Mont Saint Michel


TravelFrance.Tips is made by a Dutch Travel & Tourism journalist who has lived in France since 1988. Each place will often have several posts associated to it, starting with an Introduction and ending with Tips.

Welcome to Travel in France Tips. To look at a closer geographical area of France, you will find a drop down menu on the top right, for mobile phone users it’s at the bottom, (“Area of France” – “Select Category”). The drop down is categorised West, North, East, South and Centre, followed by the region, followed by the city. You will also find a section for restaurants, castles and for annual events. On the top menu you will also find a blog, used for personal chatter when I usually go to some place to discover. There is also on the right the next three events in France, plus the ability to see all upcoming events. The events are major events, not small local ones.

This site deals with all of France, except Paris. If you are interested in more information about Paris, check out Colleen’s Paris for an insider’s view.

Each photo at the top of a post is just a header, but you can click on it for a bigger version. Usually a clickable map follows which can be zoomed in & out and you can click on icons on the map that will bring you directly to the page containing the pertinent info. Any photos below the map can be clicked on for a bigger version (if your screen is big enough). All photos are mine (unless stated otherwise) and they are copyrighted. Use of the photos are governed by a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Any comments, criticism, applause – we would love to hear it. We thrive on comments! Below each post is a comment box (although you need to go through a simple registration process, it can be as a “guest” so the email can be false. If you plan to return with comments, then register properly), please let us know what you think of the site, the article, the photos, the information, etc. And yes, there is advertising on this site. I’m trying to keep it to a minimum, but the site needs to pay for itself.

Here are the latest 12 updates on the site, and below that is a map with the cities covered so far:

You will see map marker clusters in the map above. The number indicates how many articles are to be found in that cluster area. CLICK on the cluster for the map to zoom in to show you the map markers in question, or more clusters.

Remember that an icon on the map above can hide others icons. If you are interested in a particular area, zoom in (using the “+” on the map) and dragging your mouse to your desired location.

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